Soon no new cancelled stamps?
(too old to reply)
Victor Manta
2018-09-23 00:33:25 UTC
New Zealand Post has stopped canceling stamps on mail — at least

A New Zealand Post spokesperson told Linn’s Sept. 18: “New Zealand Post is
currently trialling some new processes to reduce costs, due to the
accelerating mail volume decline, this includes stopping the cancelling of
stamps by processing machines.”

As for concerns about the not-canceled stamps being reused, the spokesperson
said: “While stamps are not currently being machine postmarked, we do have
processes in place to detect the re-use of stamps and postage included


Victor Manta, PWO

Philatelic Webmasters Organization: http://pwmo.org/
Art on Stamps: http://artonstamps.org/
Romania by Stamps: http://marci-postale.com/
Communism on Stamps: http://reds-on.postalstamps.biz/
Spanish North Africa: http://www.sna-on.postalstamps.biz/
Sir F.A. Rien
2018-09-23 14:39:51 UTC
New Zealand Post has stopped canceling stamps on mail — at least
A New Zealand Post spokesperson told Linn’s Sept. 18: “New Zealand Post is
currently trialling some new processes to reduce costs, due to the
accelerating mail volume decline, this includes stopping the cancelling of
stamps by processing machines.”
As for concerns about the not-canceled stamps being reused, the spokesperson
said: “While stamps are not currently being machine postmarked, we do have
processes in place to detect the re-use of stamps and postage included
Other postal authorities have done some of this canccel 'skipping',
notably Great Britain. The result is 'action' by postal clerks to
'cancel' those stamps using ballpoint pens, sharpies or any other
means at hand, including ripping portions of the stamps 'to deface
against fraud'.

Another gummint 'nail in the coffin' of stamp collecting.


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Victor Manta
2018-09-23 23:47:54 UTC
Post by Victor Manta
New Zealand Post has stopped canceling stamps on mail — at least
Other postal authorities have done some of this canccel 'skipping',
notably Great Britain. The result is 'action' by postal clerks to
'cancel' those stamps using ballpoint pens, sharpies or any other
means at hand, including ripping portions of the stamps 'to deface
against fraud'.

Another gummint 'nail in the coffin' of stamp collecting.
This is not about manually damaging the stamps that weren't cancelled by the
standard automatic devices but about somehow marking the stamps as used by a
kind of invisible ink jet spitting device.

You're right about "Another gummint 'nail in the coffin' of stamp
collecting", it's exactly this.

It will open a new collecting era of "Spit or Not Spit stamps". A cheap spit
detecting device (about £199.99) will be sold by Stanley Gibbons to advanced

Victor Manta, PWO

Spanish North Africa: http://www.sna-on.postalstamps.biz/
Sir F.A. Rien
2018-09-24 16:18:54 UTC
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 19:47:54 -0400, "Victor Manta"
Post by Sir F.A. Rien
New Zealand Post has stopped canceling stamps on mail — at least
Other postal authorities have done some of this canccel 'skipping',
notably Great Britain. The result is 'action' by postal clerks to
'cancel' those stamps using ballpoint pens, sharpies or any other
means at hand, including ripping portions of the stamps 'to deface
against fraud'.
Another gummint 'nail in the coffin' of stamp collecting.
This is not about manually damaging the stamps that weren't cancelled by the
standard automatic devices but about somehow marking the stamps as used by a
kind of invisible ink jet spitting device.
You're right about "Another gummint 'nail in the coffin' of stamp
collecting", it's exactly this.
It will open a new collecting era of "Spit or Not Spit stamps". A cheap spit
detecting device (about £199.99) will be sold by Stanley Gibbons to advanced
If that 'detector' works as well as their watermark detectors ...

BTW, have you checked a 'black light' on the spit?
Perhaps another usage of Luminol [or similar]?

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2018-09-24 17:51:17 UTC
Post by Victor Manta
This is not about manually damaging the stamps that weren't cancelled
by the standard automatic devices but about somehow marking the stamps
as used by a kind of invisible ink jet spitting device.
Sounds to me like cancelling is about the same effort. Then why stop
cancelling normally. Maybe sometning about cancellation dates?
I love a good meal! That's why I don't cook.
2018-09-24 05:52:27 UTC
Thank you Victor, Sir F.A. Rien and David for this very interesting
discussion that I am relaying to the french speaking newsgroup on
philately :

Il will post here later on (I am leaving for 15 days) a summary
of the discussions on the french speaking ng.

BTW, I would appreciate to understand what you mean,
"Sir F.A. Rien" with 'gummint' as my dictionnaries have not been
of any help :-(

I would also appreciate - if acceptable for you - to get a valid e-mail
Mine is "courtiade at free dot fr"
All the best,
Pierre Courtiade
Sir F.A. Rien
2018-09-24 16:13:36 UTC
On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 07:52:27 +0200, "Pierre COURTIADE"
Post by Pierre COURTIADE
Thank you Victor, Sir F.A. Rien and David for this very interesting
discussion that I am relaying to the french speaking newsgroup on
Il will post here later on (I am leaving for 15 days) a summary
of the discussions on the french speaking ng.
BTW, I would appreciate to understand what you mean,
"Sir F.A. Rien" with 'gummint' as my dictionnaries have not been
of any help :-(
I would also appreciate - if acceptable for you - to get a valid e-mail
Mine is "courtiade at free dot fr"
"gummint" => "Gummed up governmental bureaucracy".

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
David E. Ross
2018-09-24 02:52:44 UTC
Post by Victor Manta
New Zealand Post has stopped canceling stamps on mail — at least
A New Zealand Post spokesperson told Linn’s Sept. 18: “New Zealand Post is
currently trialling some new processes to reduce costs, due to the
accelerating mail volume decline, this includes stopping the cancelling of
stamps by processing machines.”
As for concerns about the not-canceled stamps being reused, the spokesperson
said: “While stamps are not currently being machine postmarked, we do have
processes in place to detect the re-use of stamps and postage included
Victor Manta, PWO
I live in California in the Unite States. Tax and fee payments to both
the federal and state governments are considered paid on time if they
are mailed with cancellations not later than the due date.

I will have a property (real estate) tax payment to my county due on 10
December. As long as the envelope contains a postmark dated 10 December
or earlier, I incur no penalty for a late payment even if the US Postal
Service does not deliver the envelope two weeks later.

If there is no cancellation, how do I prove I mailed the payment on time?
David E. Ross

Too often, Twitter is a source of verbal vomit. Examples include Donald
Trump, Roseanne Barr, and Elon Musk.
Sir F.A. Rien
2018-09-24 16:16:15 UTC
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 19:52:44 -0700, "David E. Ross"
Post by David E. Ross
New Zealand Post has stopped canceling stamps on mail — at least
A New Zealand Post spokesperson told Linn’s Sept. 18: “New Zealand Post is
currently trialling some new processes to reduce costs, due to the
accelerating mail volume decline, this includes stopping the cancelling of
stamps by processing machines.”
As for concerns about the not-canceled stamps being reused, the spokesperson
said: “While stamps are not currently being machine postmarked, we do have
processes in place to detect the re-use of stamps and postage included
Victor Manta, PWO
I live in California in the Unite States. Tax and fee payments to both
the federal and state governments are considered paid on time if they
are mailed with cancellations not later than the due date.
I will have a property (real estate) tax payment to my county due on 10
December. As long as the envelope contains a postmark dated 10 December
or earlier, I incur no penalty for a late payment even if the US Postal
Service does not deliver the envelope two weeks later.
If there is no cancellation, how do I prove I mailed the payment on time?
Options include:
Obtaining a 'Proof Of Mailing"
Having the clerk use the counter canceller in your presence.
Sending by tracked means.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Jan-Martin Hertzsch
2018-11-09 08:53:51 UTC
Post by Victor Manta
New Zealand Post has stopped canceling stamps on mail — at least
A New Zealand Post spokesperson told Linn’s Sept. 18: “New Zealand Post
is currently trialling some new processes to reduce costs, due to the
accelerating mail volume decline, this includes stopping the cancelling
of stamps by processing machines.”
Apparently, the experiment of not cancelling the stamps was cancelled
after a few days. According to a source which I have forgotten in the
meantime, on 8 October 2018 stamp cancellation should have resumed.

