Websites competition at Italy 2018
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Victor Manta
2017-10-26 20:51:54 UTC
I learned today by chance from a French stamp collector about the Italy 2018
exhibition, where websites are accepted as exhibits.

You can learn more about the participation from this PWO page:

Hurry up to apply because: "4.4. Applications can be submitted until 31
October 2017 at latest."

Victor Manta, PWO

Philatelic Webmasters Organization: http://pwmo.org/
Art on Stamps: http://artonstamps.org/
Romania by Stamps: http://marci-postale.com/
Communism on Stamps: http://reds-on.postalstamps.biz/
Spanish North Africa: http://www.sna-on.postalstamps.biz/
Victor Manta
2017-11-01 21:40:40 UTC
Post by Victor Manta
I learned today by chance from a French stamp collector about the Italy
2018 exhibition, where websites are accepted as exhibits.
The exhibition was postponed until 23 - 25 November 2018 and so was the date
of applications (still unknown). In the meantime, the jury changed

Victor Manta, PWO

Philatelic Webmasters Organization: http://pwmo.org/
Art on Stamps: http://artonstamps.org/
Romania by Stamps: http://marci-postale.com/
Communism on Stamps: http://reds-on.postalstamps.biz/
Spanish North Africa: http://www.sna-on.postalstamps.biz/